Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The Wolf

The Wolf

There once was a hunter that had a burning hatred for wolves because wolves were the reason his son and him are starving.The wolves killed all of his livestock. So he decided that he would hunt down one of the largest of the wolves to feed his son. At dawn every day for a year he would go looking for the alpha wolf but he never caught it. One morning he had a bright idea
“ I will be gone for three to five days.” He told his son
“But dad who will look after me while you are away’ said his son.
“No one you are of age to look after yourself” said the hunter smiling down at his son.
The hunter went to his room to gather supplies. He took only the need things his bow, his quiver, eighty arrows, his flint and steel, he packed the least amount of food he could. He wanted to leave the majority of the food for his son.
As the hunter left his son told him “I love you father.”
Then the hunter set out to kill the wolf. As he entered the forest he felt as if he was being watched. He of course thought nothing of it. He ventured deeper and deeper following the large paw prints tell he finally came to an old abandoned house.
“I’ll camp here for the night.” He thought to himself.
He entered the house and set down the logs he had collected during his journey. As he reached into his pocket he heard footsteps coming up the to door he reached for his bow but it was too late. An old man walk in the door surprised to see a hooded man sitting on his floor reaching for a bow.
The old man immediately said “You are welcome to stay as long as you put that bow down.” The hunter put his bow down and asked the old man if he had seen a large grey wolf with yellow eyes around here.
The old man simply answered his question with “No.”
The old man looked at the hunter and said “You poor poor man you looked starved let me make you something.”
The hunter looked back at the old man and said “You are a very kind soul.Thank you.”
The hunter sat down at the table as the old man prepared himself and the hunter a rabbit. Once the old man was done he set the hunters plate in front of him with the largest rabbit. The hunter looked at the well prepared rabbit.
Then looked back at the old man and said “I can not take the biggest rabbit you hunted for them you should have it.”
The old man look back at the hunter and told him “I can not eat the bigger one when you look like you have not eaten in weeks.”
The hunter looked back at old man and thanked him for feeding him. The next morning he left before the old man had gotten up the hunter had made sure to leave twenty shillings on his kitchen table. He continued his trek through the forest. Soon after he came a crossed a wise old man.
The hunter approached the man and asked him politely “Do you have any water I am parched.”
The wise man simply replied “Yes I do would you like some.”
The hunter quickly replied “Yes please”
The wise man handed the hunter one of his canteens. The hunter quickly drank the water and then immediately asked the man for more.
The wise man saw the hunters greediness and told him “Your greediness will lead to your demise, I advise you try not to be so greedy before you lose more than you already have.”
The hunter spat at the feet of the wise man and told him, while drawing his bow back “I advise you to watch you tongue old man before you lose it.”
The wise man gave all he had to the hunter and then set off. The hunter continued his trek till we came to an ancient temple that caught his eye. He stop to inspect at the temple the first thing he saw was an ancient gem that could buy his son and himself enough food to last a lifetime. So the hunter decided to retrieve the gem and return home to his son.
He entered the temple and walked toward the gem. Then suddenly the first booby-trap triggered. He was shot in the arm with an arrow and dropped his bow in a deep dark hole. He tried pulled the arrow out of his arm. As he pulled it out it hit the ulnar nerve which made him scream and drop his pack into the hole. He finished pulling the arrow out of his arm. He decided to pull it as fast as he could as he did that the arrow head shredded the muscle in his arm. Which only furthered his pain and agony. He had no choice but to turn around and return home empty handed. When he exited the temple he took of his undershirt and tore it into pieces and wrapped it around a stick. He took out his flint and steel and lit the shirt on fire. He then burned the two sides of the arrow hole to cauterise the wound. Then wrapped the rest of the shirt around his arm. He proceeded to set up camp under a tree.
“I’ll camp here for the night.” He thought to himself.
The next morning he set out for the old man’s house. When he arrived at the old man’s house he saw the old man hanging from a tree in front of his house with arrows littered throughout his body. The hunter quickly man a makeshift knife out of a sharp rock , the last of the torn up shirt, and a small stick. He entered the house slowly. The first thing he saw has the twenty shillings he left the old man for feeding him covered in blood.
“I got this old man killed.” The hunter thought to himself.
The next thing he saw was a bandit asleep on the floor he slowly crept over to him and drove the knife with his one good hand into the bandit’s heart killing him. As soon as he did that one more bandit walked in through the door and saw the hunter kneeling over his companion's body with a bloody knife in his hand. The bandit pulled his knife out and charged the hunter. The hunter turned around and saw the bandit charging him. He quickly rolled out of the way.
The bandit turned toward the hunter and told him “ I am going to gut you like a fish.”
The hunter replied “ I would like to see you try.”
The bandit charged at the hunter and swung his knife at him. He missed, and the hunted punched him in the stomach. The bandit swung at the hunter this time cutting his arm. The hunter swung his knife at the bandit. He missed the bandit but hit the table, and broke his knife.The bandit saw the opportunity and sliced the hunter’s stomach it was not enough to kill the hunter but it was enough to hurt the hunter. The hunter swung his fist at the bandit’s face but he missed. The bandit stabbed the hunter in his side. The hunter screamed in agony as the bandit slid the knife out of the hunter’s side. Then the hunter broke the bandit’s leg and took the knife and drove it into his chest. He then took the bandit’s shirt and wrapped it around the wound. He left the house barely able to walk about halfway to his house he fell down next to a tree. As his vision started to fade in and out from blood loss he sees the wolf pack that he was hunting approaching him. The last thing the hunter felt was the wolves ripping into his stomach. When the hunter never returned home his son began to wonder whether or not he was coming back so he went to his neighbor's house to ask if he could stay with them. They took him in and fed him, clothed him, and loved him.